Minggu, 03 Februari 2019

5 Benefits of Unexpected Honey Potions


Healthyhoney - Maybe you often consume honey to maintain health. The liquid produced by bees is proven to have antibiotic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

 Honey turns out to have a variety of functions for the body. If mixed with other ingredients into ingredients, honey will bring the following five benefits:

1. Honey ingredients to strengthen the immune system

It's no secret that honey can help you recover physically after illness. The efficacy of antibiotics and antivirals in honey can reshape the body's defenses.

This herb is made from a mixture of half a cup of honey and lemon juice.

2. Honey concoction for digestion

If you experience digestive problems, honey and ginger can be a solution to those problems. Both of these herbal ingredients are good ingredients for digestion and are anti-inflammatory.

To eat it, you boil the grated ginger and then add it with honey. This honey concoction can be taken twice a day.

3. Honey concoction for headaches

The analgesic properties found in honey can make the headache you experience can be overcome. In addition, cloves mixed in honey can increase circulation and reduce inflammation.

To consume this herb, you cannot immediately drink it. You will need 24 to 48 hours to process the ingredients. You can drink it when you feel a headache or muscle ache.

4. Honey ingredients to detoxify the body

Honey contains natural enzymes and antioxidants that can eradicate toxins that accumulate in the blood. These compounds also optimize the function of excretory organs and reduce the risk of cell damage.

This herb is made from a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar. You can drink it on an empty stomach for 2 consecutive weeks each day.

5. Honey concoction for menstrual cramps

For you women, if you experience cramps during menstruation, consume this honey concoction. The anti-inflammatory properties and the soothing effects found in honey, when combined with antispasmodics in cinnamon, can relieve pain during menstruation.

You can enjoy the infusion of honey and cinnamon for two or three days before the menstrual schedule arrives. By drinking this concoction, you have taken the form of prevention against menstrual cramps.

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